wall = script.Parent wall.Touched:Connect(function(hit) local Players = game.Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = Players.PlayerGui local human = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) print('Touched') PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Talk1.Visible = true wait(8) PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Talk1.Visible = false script.Disabled = true print("SHHHH No talking") end end)
You have an extra end that doesn't need to be there.
wall = script.Parent wall.Touched:Connect(function(Players) local Players = game.Players.LocalPlayer local PlayerGui = Players.PlayerGui local human = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) print('Touched') PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Talk1.Visible = true wait(8) PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Talk1.Visible = false script.Disabled = true print("SHHHH No talking") end)