how do you make a map changer that spawns you in a lobby while map loads then teleports you to map and if you die while in that round you have to stay in the lobby?
am tired of making scripts for people and not being thanked or anything, so am just gonna tell u breifly how... make a Lobby, put Real Spawns in it, in all ur maps put fake spawns (just Parts called 'Spawn') then clone a certain map after the other into the Game, and Destroy when the Round is Finished, then make a function that at the Start of the Round it Teleports the Players to those Parts using the MoveTo
method and then after everything is done for the Round Starting do breakjoints()
to kill everyone so they Spawn back to Lobby, and the Explenations are below.
The Fake Spawn Parts are just used as a Target, u Spawn a Player there, and after he dies, he doesn't await any orders from Scripts on were to Spawn so the Player that died Spawns on the Real Spawn in the Lobby...