How do you find the nearest humanoid? Here's what I have, sorry if my code is trash I'm new to lua
local m = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() db = true m.KeyDown:connect(function(k) k = k:lower() if k == "e" then if db == true then target = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#game.Players:GetPlayers())] print("[Aimbot]: Now aimbotting: " target2 = target.Character.Torso local b ="RocketPropulsion", game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso) b.Target = target2 b.TurnP = 5000 b.MaxThrust = 0 b.MaxSpeed = 0 b.ThrustP = 0 b.CartoonFactor = 1 b:Fire() end end end)
All I do is press "E" to switch my aim between players but it sometimes aimbots myself and glitches out also how do I find the nearest humanoid so I can change it and make it auto aim to the nearest player?
It only aimbots when you're not using lock-shift or 1st person but it's ok.
I know there's a way how to find the nearest player using magnitude but how do I do that?
Also I do not understand a single thing in the link above because I'm new to Lua, please help me :(
Any mathematical vector has a magnitude and a direction. The magnitude is simply the size of a vector. Here's an article on vectors if you're unfamiliar with them.
local function GetNearestHumanoid(targetPosition) local distance, humanoid = math.huge for _, player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do local character = player.Character if character then local characterDistance = (targetPosition - character.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude if characterDistance < distance then distance = characterDistance humanoid = character.Humanoid end end end return humanoid end
In the above function, I subtract the vectors by each other to get a single vector and get it's magnitude
property. This essentially gets the distance between the tip of both vectors.