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How do I fix my restricted doors?

Asked by 6 years ago

My restricted door worked fine but now it doesn't I've tried as much as I can and it's still broken, here's the code. Please help.

01local door = script.Parent
03function open()
04    -- This function will open the door.
05    door.CanCollide = false -- Make players able to walk through the door.
07    for transparency = 0, 1, .1 do
08        door.Transparency = transparency
09        wait(.1)
10    end
13function close()
14    -- This function will close the door.
15    for transparency = 1, 0, -.1 do
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on line 41, instead of writing or after every name, you could put a ";" i think that would work cruizer_snowman 117 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by
Aresko 53
6 years ago

I tried running this on Roblox and it looks like on line 47 you are missing an or at the end, which is causing your problem, try switching line 47 from player.Name == "AncientDinoDan" to player.Name == "AncientDinoDan" or

Thank you so much! It works now! TheRabster1428 0 — 6y
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Answered by 6 years ago

As Aresko said, you are missing an or on line 47. I would also recommend adding a Debounce to your door script. Basically, the script will run for each of your limbs that touches the door. If you add a debounce, then it will only run once.

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