tshirt=("") gamepassid=0 playersallowed={"MrGameMasters1"} function check(name) for i = 1,#playersallowed do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(playersallowed[i])) then return true end end return false end function click() if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:IsInGroup(224388) and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:GetRankInGroup(224388) >= 250) then script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(217.482, 4.961, -209.63)) end end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(click)
error on line 13 i want a you have to be in a certain goup rank to get this gui
if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:IsInGroup(224388) and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:GetRankInGroup(224388) >= 250 then -- Removed the parenthesis.
That is one mistake.