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How To Combine Several Repeat Loops?

Asked by 6 years ago

So I am working on a game with nukes, and below are some of the ways I detect the location of each player and determine if they are able to survive. All of the code works however, I ran into an issue when there are multiple players, the repeats will repeat until that player is dead and then it will effect the others. How can I make it so that everyone takes damage at the same time?

01for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
02    if player.Character then
03        if player.CurrentLocation.Value == "Bunker1" and bunkerOne.DoorClosed.Value == false then --If bunker one door is open
04            repeat
05                wait(1)
06            game.Workspace[player.Name].Humanoid.Health = game.Workspace[player.Name].Humanoid.Health - 10
07            until game.Workspace[player.Name].Humanoid.Health == 0 or bunkerOne.DoorClosed.Value == true
08        else
09            if magnitude <= maxDistanceBunker1 and player.CurrentLocation.Value == "Bunker1" then --If another player is in vault one
10                repeat
11                    wait(1)
12                    game.Workspace[player.Name].Humanoid.Health = game.Workspace[player.Name].Humanoid.Health - 10
13                until game.Workspace[player.Name].Humanoid.Health == 0
14            end
15        end    
16    end

2 answers

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Answered by
Dog2puppy 168
6 years ago

You could wrap what’s inside the first for loop in a spawn() function. This makes a new thread so the main thread isn’t blocked.

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Answered by 6 years ago

The script is halting because of the waits, to get around this please look up coroutines, they can run in another priority without halting the rest of the script.

Here's a link to get you started

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