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How do I make it so if a player is in another group it'll show that rank instead of the first one?

Asked by 5 years ago

****local User = script:WaitForChild("Username") local Rank = script:WaitForChild("Rank") local Regiment = script:WaitForChild("Regiment")

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Character) spawn(function() wait(.8) local c = User:clone() local a = Rank:clone() local b = Regiment:clone() a.Adornee = Character:WaitForChild("Head") a.TextLabel.Text = Player:GetRoleInGroup(3627713) a.Enabled = true a.Parent = Character b.Adornee = Character:WaitForChild("Head") b.TextLabel.Text = Player:GetRoleInGroup(3553018) b.TextLabel.TextColor3 = (Player.TeamColor.Color) b.Enabled = true b.Parent = Character c.Adornee = Character:WaitForChild("Head") c.TextLabel.TextColor3 = (Player.TeamColor.Color) c.TextLabel.Text = Player.Name c.Enabled = true c.Parent = Character Character:WaitForChild('Humanoid').NameOcclusion = Enum.NameOcclusion.OccludeAll local h = Character.Head:Clone() local m ='Model',Character) m.Name = 'NameTag' h.Parent = m Character.Head:WaitForChild('face'):Destroy() Character.Head.Transparency = 1 local w ='Weld',Character.Head) w.Part0, w.Part1 = Character.Head, h end) end) end)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Please put your script into a code block. Thanks! ;) marketmanager1 52 — 5y

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