So it's like every second this thing pops up each time, I want it to pop up once, then have a delayed time so after that time is done, another pops up.
function watermagic() if game.Workspace.WaterMagic.WaterPlates:FindFirstChild("Part") then waterplates = game.Workspace.WaterMagic.WaterPlates:GetChildren() ranNum1 = math.random(1, #waterplates) waterChosen = waterplates[ranNum1] for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do if waterChosen.Parent == game.Workspace.WaterMagic.WaterPlates then waterChosen.Part.Transparency = 0 local move = waterChosen move.Parent = game.Workspace.WaterMagic.Used waterChosen.CanCollide = false if game.Workspace.WaterMagic.BARRIERSGONE.Value == false then game.Workspace.WaterMagic.Barriers:Destroy() game.Workspace.WaterMagic.BARRIERSGONE.Value = true end end end end end
Add Wait() ?