I'm testing oxbox's debugger, looks like it doesn't show the 'print' from the output, only the errors. I need to test some server side marketplace scripts/datastore scripts and it's not showing errors, but I don't know what's not working because for some reason the script fails.
Any suggestions?
local msg = Instance.new("Message", workspace) Game:GetService("LogService").MessageOut:connect(function(Message, Type) msg.Text = "The message was "..Message.." and the type was "..tostring(Type) end) --Enums for the 2nd argument 'Type' is here: http://wiki.roblox.com/index.php?title=MessageType
This should be fairly easy to edit. You can get just about anything from this. Only problem is, No way to check the source of the Error, Prints, Etc. But I hope this works out for you. If not PM Me on Roblox, @MixCorp