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How do you make body armor?

Asked by 11 years ago

I used a plugin for it and failed horribly. Can someone help please?

1 answer

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Answered by
Kratos232 105
11 years ago

What do you mean by 'body armor'? You need to be more specific then that, because I don't understand it at all. If you just want to look like you have armor then use meshes on yourself, but if you want something like parts covering your body, then you'd have to weld each part to the part of your body you want them on.

You'd also have to edit your weapons to work with t he body armor system that you'd have to code. TheGuyWithAShortName 673 — 11y
Didn't mean you had to demote me points, worked hard for them >:( GreekGodOfMLG 244 — 11y

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