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Click events are not working in BillBoard gui. ???

Asked by 6 years ago

I made a pretty basic script to test this out.

1-- Parent is TextButton, Parent.Parent is BillBoard gui.
3    script.Parent.Text = "NO U"
4    wait(3)
5    script.Parent.Text = "Click me (test)"

Nothing happens, no errors, NOTHING! I also tried it with a normal non-local script just in case it doesn't work because it's a non-local instance, that didn't help. This works on a SurfaceGui though.

Help is appreciated, thanks!

Is it a localScript, and is FE on? TheePBHST 154 — 6y
Yes, both local script and FE. I have also tried it with normal script, but I'm mainly using local script fighter169mobile 123 — 6y
Then, if FE is on, it has to be FE compatible. TheePBHST 154 — 6y
it just changes the text, it should work regardless of FE on a local script, but it doesn't work fighter169mobile 123 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by
TheePBHST 154
6 years ago

Well, since you said it was FE, (filtering enabled) you'll need 2 different scripts and 1 remoteEvent.

So, a RemoteEvent is a Instance that is usually used in any type of FilteringEnabled games which fires from the client or server.

In the RemoteEvent, you want to use OnServerEvent if the client/player is firing the event. Such as clicking a TextButton. But, a better way to memorize which type of Event to use is by knowing if what it works in non-FE. So, like a LocalScript is used to get a MouseButton1Down function or something like that, meaning you'll use FireServer since you're firing it from there like in non-FE games.

But, when using OnClientEvent, it's just the opposite. So, if you were doing a touch event or player added event, you would normally use a script for that in non-FE games. All you need to do is use FireClient now in the Script and set your code up with OnClientEvent in a local script.

This is all local, no need to contact the server. BillBoard gui is local, everything inside is local, Clicking a button is local. fighter169mobile 123 — 6y
This whole thing is just trying to get a click, from a local script. Do BillBoard guis even work as buttons? fighter169mobile 123 — 6y
Wait, billboard? Is there even a MouseButton1 thing? I mean, thats if you're using FE TheePBHST 154 — 6y
I'll just accept your answer. I'm talking about a BillBoardGui, here's an example: I don't think click events such as MouseButton1Click, MouseButton1Down, MouseButton1Up, etc; work with BillBoardGuis at all. This isn't about FE, it's all local guis, no communication to the server is needed at all while working on guis. fighter169mobile 123 — 6y

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