01 | local fgui = script.Parent:WaitForChild( "rockettips" ) |
02 | local tgui = fgui:WaitForChild( "TextBox" ) |
04 | local stats = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild( "leaderstats" ) |
05 | local point = stats:WaitForChild( "Points" ) |
09 | point.Changed:connect(fucntion(rocket) |
10 | if point.Value > 9 and rocket = = 0 then |
12 | tgui.Text = "Wall Rocket Earned!" |
14 | tgui.Text = "Next Rocket at 20 points" |
16 | elseif point.Value > 19 and rocket = = 1 then |
18 | tgui.Text = "Balloon Rocket Earned!" |
20 | tgui.Text = "Next Rocket at 35 points" |
22 | elseif point.Value > 34 and rocket = = 2 then |
24 | tgui.Text = "Bomb Rocket Earned!" |
26 | tgui.Text = "Next Rocket at 50 points" |
28 | elseif point.Value > 50 and rocket = = 3 then |
30 | tgui.Text = "Fast Rocket Earned!" |
32 | tgui.Text = "All Rockets Earned!" |
What I did was change it so every time the leaderstat 'Points' get changed it checks to see if it is the correct value. I also set up a test to see if they have already claimed it (Hence the local rocket).
If this doesn't work please tell me and I will try to fix whatever is broken.