I have been trying to get it for months but i have had no help! Please somebody help. PLEASE!
First of all scriptinghelpers.org is not request site if you read what the site says before you post!
Second of all if you don't know how to clone and stuff please get the basic knowlage of roblox lua scripting.
Now I will provide you with a part of the script you need but you have to do the other things by yourself.
local id = GAMEPASSID game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) if game:GetService("GamePassService"):PlayerHasPass(player, id) then print(player.Name .. " has the game pass!") else print(player.Name .. " doesn't have the game pass...") end end)
Now you don't need to leave the print functions in but its recommended so you know if the scirpt even works. Now its easy to undertand the script but if you want me to explain what this even means then I will update my answer. I hope this helps.