95% of the time it works perfectly fine in game. Lets say you left "the game" with 101 Survivals. Then re-enter "the game" sometimes you get 0 for Survivals. But if you leave the game and re-enter "the game" again you get the 101 Survivals. Can someone please help me. Thank you so much!
local DataStoreService=game:GetService("DataStoreService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local DataStore=DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Player_Data") game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) local Stats=Instance.new('IntValue') Stats.Name="leaderstats" local survivals=Instance.new('IntValue',Stats) survivals.Name="Survivals" survivals.Parent = Stats Stats.Parent=Player local CanSave=Instance.new('BoolValue',Player) CanSave.Name="CanSaveData" CanSave.Value=true local Success,Message=pcall(function() return DataStore:GetAsync(tostring(Player.UserId)) end) if Success then if DataStore~=nil then Player.leaderstats.Survivals.Value=Message else Player.leaderstats.Survivals.Value=0 end else Player.CanSaveData.Value=false Player:Kick("Your data failed to load! Please rejoin.") end end)