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How to use names in PlayerAdded?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago
1local maner = {script.Value.Value}
3function OnPlayerEntered(plr)
4    for i = 1, #maner do
5if plr.Name == maner [i] then
6    plr.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.Visible = true
7end end end

When the player joins, if their name is on the value, the script will run.

4 answers

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Answered by
Avigant 2374 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

I'd like to point out a few things here.

Firstly, is that the server can't be accessing children of the player's PlayerGui it did not parent, and should not be accessing it at all. You should fire a RemoteEvent to the client and have them do GUI actions client-side.

Secondly, we should use the player's user ID, instead of the player's name, because the player's user ID is a unique identifier that will never chnage.

Thirdly, we can use a dictionary lookup.

01local Admins = {
02    [1] = "ROBLOX",
03    [537472621] = "Avigant"
07    if not Admins[Player.UserId] then
08        return
09    end
11    -- code

The keys are players' user IDs, and the values are player's usernames. When we look up Admins[Player.UserId] we get a string (their username) if it is in the table, or nil otherwise.

We use a player's username as the value in the table as an easy way to see who is who when we're editing our script, as it's more useful than true or another truthey value.

Though it probably won't matter in this case, it's worth pointing out that dictionary lookup is much faster than linear search (looping through an array, looking for a matching value) as the table grows. To simplify, dictionary lookup will only ever take one step, while linear search will take an additional step for every player you add to the table.

As a final note, RBXScriptSignal:connect() is deprecated, meaning you shouldn't use it, try RBXScriptSignal:Connect() instead.

1. I need it to fire from a value 2. It needs to be names. Thank however! jackalota 9 — 7y
niceee awesomeipod 607 — 7y
You can use a RemoteEvent just how I mentioned in the first part of my post. Avigant 2374 — 7y
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Answered by 7 years ago

I am not totally for sure, as I am new to this but I am pretty sure that the server can't be accessing children of the player's "Player Gui" it did not parent, and should not be accessing it at all.Also, you should probably fire a "Remote Event" to the client and have them do GUI actions client-side. I hope this helps, again not for sure.. lol

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Answered by 7 years ago

Use a Remote Event to do this. Make sure the Remote Event is inside ReplicatedStorage.

01-- Local Script anywhere that a LocalScript can be parented to.
02local remote
03remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShowGui
06    local plrGui
07    plrGui = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:WaitForChild"PlayerGui"
09    plrGui.ScreenGui.Frame.Visible = true

Now, inside the Player Added event in the Server.

1-- Must be a Server Script to work.
2local remote
3remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ShowGui
6    if plr.Name == script.Value.Value then
7        remote:FireClient(plr) -- specify which player to fire remote event to
8    end
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Answered by
Scaii_0 145
7 years ago

If you want to get the name of the player that entered simply do this:

1game.Players.PlayerAdded:connnect(function(player) --Finds the player as an Instance
3if player.Name == --If the name of that instance is
5--Rest of script
forgot two ends!! awesomeipod 607 — 7y

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