Well I have a really big script so this is just one piece of it
status.Value = "Be The Last Standing!" if status.Value then game.Workspace.Sound:Stop() end wait(4) for i = 196,0,-1 do -- You can adjust the #196 to how long you want the round to last. if i == 0 then status.Value = "Time is up!" wait(3) break end wait(1) if #_G.gameplayers == 1 then for i, v in pairs(_G.gameplayers) do if v ~= nil then status.Value = v.." Won The Game!" game.Players[v].leaderstats.Cash.Value = game.Players[v].leaderstats.Cash.Value + 15 -- The #15 will be how much credit or cash is awarded to the player if there was only one player teleported. break end end break else status.Value = i.."..Seconds Remaining!" end end for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then local hum = player.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if hum then hum.Health = 0 end end end mapstorage:ClearAllChildren() wait(5) end
I tried the code
for i, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then local hum = player.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if hum then hum.Health = 0 end end
to spawn the characters back into the lobby but it didn't worked. Any solutions ???
You could loop through all players and call player:LoadCharacter()
to respawn the player without killing them if you wanted to.
local players = game.Players:GetPlayers() for index = 1, #players do players[index]:LoadCharacter() end