1 | function welcome() |
2 | wait( 1 ) |
3 | script.Parent.Visible = True |
4 | end |
5 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(welcome) |
this script is so that when a player joins the game it will wait one second before showing the GUI that says welcome, for some reason it does not work. also for some reason i dont have my decals in my toolbox are, the drop down thing only goes as far as deadly machines
1 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function (player) |
2 | function onClick() |
3 | wait( 1 ) |
4 | player.PlayerGUI.GUI.Visible = true |
5 | end |
6 | end ) |
7 | player.PlayerGUI.GUI.MouseButton 1 Click:connect(onClick) |
The PlayerAdded event is run when a player joins a game, the (player) will find the persons name who has joined, it will then wait for the player to click the TextButton before waiting one second before using the name it found earlier to search through the PlayerGUI and finding the right GUI and making it visible.
Apologies for the bad answer earlier, I was tired.
1 | function welcome() |
2 | wait( 1 ) |
3 | script.Parent.Visible = true -- you put 'True' with a capped 'T'. It can't be like that. |
4 | end |
5 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(welcome) |
This should fix it for you. Just make sure you put this script in the frame of the 'welcome gui' that you have.
Edit: this is what I like to do, i don't like to do the top one.. :/
1 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(Function welcome() |
2 | wait( 1 ) |
3 | script.Parent.Visible = true |
4 | end ) |