I'm Making A Game That Needs At Least 2 Players To Start, Is There Anyway To Make A Script To Find How Many Players There Is? I Only Have This So Far:
I'm Not The Best At Scripting
*To turn "Players" into an integer (Number) value instead of a table/array you put a "#" in-front
so if:*
Players = game.Players:GetChildren() -- This is the total ammount of players "print(Players)"
Output: "AnAnonymousDeveloper, JamieTheGreatQ777"
Players = game.Players:GetChildren() -- This is the total ammount of players "print(#Players)"
Output: "2"
So you could have it as:
Players = game.Players:GetChildren() -- This is the total ammount of players if #Players >= 2 then GameCanStart = true end
Hope This Helps! ~ AnAnonymousDeveloper