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How do you make a points, promotion system?

Asked by
dog6779 25
6 years ago

So, I have seen other groups have or made their own rank gui. Like home stores and some cafes, I could say.

Here is a picture of example what I mean.


And there is one that makes you have promotion system where in the game the person get's promotion in the game and after they were promoted and then when they go to the group their rank change. And how do you make it where when they make it to the points like Example: They reach to 100 they get rank into a chef to Head chef. Something like that. I feel like you need a bot for it to rank I think.

Anyways this is not a request question I just really wanna know how did they make that? I know how to make a gui. But I wanna know how they made it. I feel like it like too much script they did.

Gyazo link isn't working. T0XN 276 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by
Z_DC 104
6 years ago

Usually this is achieved by using a bot. Here's a pretty good bot API that someone has created for this purpose:

But how do you set it up? dog6779 25 — 6y
They have steps on the link provided. Just use the instructions there. Z_DC 104 — 6y
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Answered by
lomo598 -7
3 years ago

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