I figured out another method to do this.
I'm trying to make a donate with Developer Products for my new game, and am refraining from using Free Models, as let's face it. A lot of them are bad quality and or have a virus in them that lags the game.
Every time I join, an online server (I'm using ROBLOX's Remote Error Monitoring System) it throws this error: ProcessReceipt is not a valid member of MarketplaceService.
But I've scripted it in a similar way to what's on the wiki, unless that's wrong.
Here's the script.
I've cut out the purchase part of the script, but if needed, I will add it.
ProductID = 19253009 ProductPrice = 5 CurrencyType = "TIX" DS = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("Places") MS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") --ERROR DOWN HERE. MS.ProcessReceipt = function(Info) DS:IncrementAsync(CurrencyType.."_Raised",Info.CurrencySpent) DS:OnUpdate(CurrencyType.."_Raised",PrintOut) script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Raised.ROBUX.Text = CurrencyType.." "..Raised script.Parent.Purchased:play() script.Parent.Jingle:play() wait(5) for i = .5,0,-.05 do script.Parent.Jingle.Volume = i wait() end script.Parent.Jingle:stop() return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted end
Any ideas to what might be wrong?
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