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How to make an emote gui that actually works in the real game?

Asked by
Tizzel40 243 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

I already made an emote gui now I actually need the emotes to work. But when I push the button like "dab" nothing happens. Can someone help me plz. [and make sure it can actually work in the real game and not just studio.]

This is not a request site, you give us no script, this is script helper not request helper. Carforlife1 59 — 6y
animations are local TheGreatSailor 20 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by
Jo_Bot 67
6 years ago

Make sure the emotes are all TextButtons and the script is in the gui.

plr = game.Player.LocalPlayer
chr = plr.Character
hum = chr.Humanoid
dabAnim = "rbxassetid://[animation id]"
dabButton = script.Parent.DabButton

    anim = Instance.New(Animation)
    anim.AnimationId = dabAnim
    animPlay = hum.LoadAnimate(anim)

My syntax may be incorrect, I maybe even purposely put incorrect syntax so you don't just copy and paste it and not learn anything. You should learn so you don't ask as much questions, so you can become a good programmer.(some purposeful syntax errors)

SO will this work even tho the syntax is incorect Tizzel40 243 — 6y

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