Is there a way to set the order of the tools in a player's backpack via a script?
Tools are sorted by the order they arrive to the backpack, then manually if chosen. So your best option would be to remove all tools then instantly parent them back in the order you want. For example, alphabetical order:
local tools = player.Backpack:GetChildren() for _,v in ipairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName=="Tool" then tools[#tools+1]=v end end table.sort(tools,function(a,b) return a.Name<b.Name end) for _,t in ipairs(tools) do t.Parent=nil end wait() for _,t in ipairs(tools) do t.Parent=player.Backpack end
For anything better you gotta make a custom backpack
I would like to know too if there is a good way.
But yeah, all I can think of, is to remove all items and add them one by one in the order you want. :P