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How do i make it so the text changes for the only player who got the certain tool?

Asked by 7 years ago
1game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:WaitForChild("Hamburger", 300)
3game.Workspace.Npc.NPC.TriggerBlock.Text.Value =("Wow thanks")
4game.Workspace.Npc.NPC.TriggerBlock.Text.Text.Value = ("Here have 100 candies! :D")
5game.Workspace.Npc.NPC.TriggerBlock.Text.Text.Text.Value =("Bye! :)")
6game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Candy = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Candy + 100
First off, I'd change the name of some of those "texts", as there's a property for text and it could mess with your script. Next you need it to also search if the player has the item equipped, if it's equipped it'll be located in the player's model in the workspace. So you'd do ( WaitForChild(this) or WaitForChild(this) ). Hope this helps! EnderGamer358 79 — 7y
If you use filtering enabled, and use a local script for these scripts then the change will only happen for the local player. xdeno 187 — 7y

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