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Hiding a list of part in a model ?

Asked by 7 years ago

Hello i made a script that should hide the part when a value is enabled

Script :

01local V = script.Parent.Value
02local Model = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
04local Object = {
05    Model["Head"],
06    Model["Torso"],
07    Model["Left Arm"],
08    Model["Left Leg"],
09    Model["Right Arm"],
10    Model["Right Leg"]
13if V == true then
14    Object.Locked = true
15    Object.Transpency = 1
16    Object.Anchored = true

I think there is a problem with the "Object" value.

I hope you understand.


1 answer

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Answered by
zyrun 168
7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

One reason your didn't work was becasuse your Object table was called, but you didn't say list any index that that you wanted. Another way to do your script, if you really wanted it to be a table is like this:

01local V = script.Parent.Value
02local Model = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
03local Object = {
04        Model["Head"],
05        Model["Torso"],
06        Model["Left Arm"],
07        Model["Left Leg"],
08        Model["Right Arm"],
09        Model["Right Leg"]
12V.Changed:Connect(function(prop) -- Every time the value changes, this will check if it is true
13    if V == true then
14        for i = 1, #Object, 1 do
15            Object[i].Locked = true
16            Object[i].Anchored = true
17            Object[i].Transparency = 1
18        end
19    end

If it were me, I would do a much simpler version of what you're doing. It would look like this:

01local V = script.Parent.Value
02local Model = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
04V.Changed:Connect(function(prop) -- Every time the value changes, this will check if it is true
05    if V.Value == true then
06        for Index, Descendant in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do -- Gets all children of model
07            -- Line below this one checks if the Descendants should be "hidden"
08            if Descendant.Name == "Head" or Descendant.Name == "Torso" or Descendant.Name == "Left Arm" or Descendant.Name == "Left Leg" or Descendant.Name == "Right Arm" or Descendant.Name == "Right Leg" then
09                Descendant.Locked = true
10                Descendant.Transparency = 1
11                Descendant.Anchored = true
12            end
13        end
14    end

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