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Data Store/Data Persistence run-down?

Asked by 10 years ago

Could someone explain the differences between Data Persistence and Data Store? Like what can Data Store do better or worse than Data Persistence? I know you have to use Data Store for universes, but I don't know how to use it.

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Answered by 10 years ago

Data Persistence means that it is a method of saving the data of game so the data can be loaded when the player visits the game again. Here is the link about this in the Wiki here.

Data Stores is a new API for storing data and it is more powerful and robust than the old Data Persistence system. With Data Stores you can store arbitrary data which persists even when games are not running and can be accessed by all instances of a place in your game universe. Here is the link about this in the Wiki here.

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Answered by
User#2 0
10 years ago

Data Persistance is a method of saving data to the player. That means that the player must be present to get or set that data. DP is per-player-per-place, meaning that for each place, each player that visits has their own space for saving data.

A Data Store is a per-universe (or game if you prefer that terminology) storage. You just get a Data Store from the DataStoreService and you can send data between servers! A more indepth explanation of Data Store can be found on the wiki, here.

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