I got this script which creates an Instance hint as soon as a player enters, however I noticed that sometimes the Hint doesn't remove itself. Could this also be because I mainly use it in Personal servers? And if you have the time, could you tell me how I could make the Player's name also go letter by letter? here's the script:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) m = Instance.new("Hint" , Workspace) m.Parent = script.Parent m.Text = p.Name.. " " wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " h" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " ha" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has " wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has e" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has en" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has ent" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has ente" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has enter" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has entere" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has entered" wait(4) m:remove() end)
I'd be happy about a fast answer
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) m = Instance.new("Hint" , Workspace) m.Parent = script.Parent m.Text = p.Name.. " " wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " h" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " ha" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has " wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has e" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has en" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has ent" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has ente" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has enter" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has entere" wait(.15) m.Text = p.Name.. " has entered" wait(4) m:Destroy() end)
I use :Destroy()
Or do this
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) m = Instance.new("Hint" , Workspace) m.Parent = script.Parent msg1=p.Name.. " has entered" for i = 1, msg1:len() do m.Text = msg1:sub(1, i) wait(0.1) end wait(5) m:Destroy() end)