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How Do I Edit ToolGrips Inside Scripts?

Asked by 7 years ago

I made a gun inside ROBLOX studio and changed the grip position using CloneTrooper1019's ToolGrip Editor. It works inside studio but in game it rotates to a different position. I was wondering how would I set the grip inside a code so hopefully its fixed or someone could tell me a different solution to the problem. Thank you.

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Answered by 7 years ago

As seen here the properties GripForward GripRight GripUp They all determine rotation So you could so something like this

local tool = script.Parent
local Forward = tool.GripForward
local right = tool.GripRight
local up = tool.GripUp

while wait(1) do
tool.GripForward = Forward
tool.GripRight = right
tool.GripUp = up

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