For some reason the transparency doesn't transition.
for i = 0,1,.05 do Particle.Transparency = wait() end
Your script adds up by .05 really fast, and stops at 1. This will make the transparency seem instant as the loop only has to add up 2 times in like half or less a second.
Although I don’t know NumberSequence that much, I really don’t think it’s necessary for something like this.
Make the third value in the for loop a small value (Ex: .01) or just make the wait a bit longer. You could do both.
Simply change “” into “i”.
This is what it should look like :
for i = 0,1,.01 do Particle.Transparency = i wait() end
If you want to adjust how fast or slow the loop goes, simply just mess around with the third value in the loop and the wait value.
Why not just do this?
for i = 1, 10 do Particle.Transparency = Particle.Transparency + 0.1 wait(0.1) -- Or 0.01 for even smoother..? end -- "+" to make it more transparent -- "-" to make it more visible