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Does anyone here know how to make a gun with a model? I just cant seem to get it working!

Asked by 7 years ago

Does anyone here know how to make a gun? Note that I am not using a tool and that it is a model that is welded to the players hand.

If you do know the please do tell me.



Btw here's what I've done so far with my script

01local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
02local Chara = Player.Character
03local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
04local Reloading = false
05local FireEvent = script.Parent.FireEvent
07function Reload()
08        if Reloading == true then
09            print("Broke")
10            return
11        end
12        Reloading = true
13        print("Reloading")
14        local Ammo = script.Parent.Ammo
15        local MaxAmmo = script.Parent.MaxAmmo
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We don't know what ur trying todo. Or want help with. This isnt a place to ask for people to finish ur scripts. But rather a website to get help and answers ;_: casper123123123 357 — 7y
sry im not really an answerer, my answers usually get disliked Konethorix 197 — 7y
I don't know how to make on everything without a tool, why not use a tool though? You can disable dropping and disable core guis to make it seem like a first person shooter. I'm not going to tell you exact script but on the ROBLOX Wiki there is a raycasting gun how to. As for ammo I recommend putting a number value inside the gun and using that as ammo. Then, set up a GUI and set off locals INSID TheFierceWaffle 64 — 7y

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Answered by 7 years ago

Lol my comment was too big and I realized I wasn't making a seperate answer, sorry. Anyways on roblox wiki it tells you how to make a raycasting gun. You can put a number value inside the gun for ammo, guis inside the playergui, and local them INSIDE the gun script. Why don't you just use a tool? You can disable dropping and disable core GUI.


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