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Why wont this remotefunction work? no errors given, only works in studio

Asked by 6 years ago

this is the invoke function within the server script. the remotefunction is being invoked whenever the camera lookvector changes

snippet of the code

script.Parent.OnServerInvoke = function() local camY = camera_.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.Y for joint,def in pairs(RIG) do joint.C0 = def.C0 * CFrame.Angles(def.Factor.XcamY, def.Factor.YcamY, def.Factor.Z*camY) joint.C1 = def.C1 end end

when i run this in studio, it works properly and my character's arms follow the camera on the Y axis, however, when i run it in a server the characters arms dont move. no errors given so im pretty lost

To behind with, use the code block to make this script easier to look at kakikito123 4 — 6y

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