While I change the parent's position and orientation to a certain number, is it possible to attach a child, which would change it's position and orientation in a similar way to keep it intact? (Anything but unions)
I would love an example, if you have one.
Thank you
function Weld(p1, p2) local w = Instance.new("Weld", game.JointsService) w.C1 = p1.CFrame:toObjectSpace(p2.CFrame) w.Part0 = p2 w.Part1 = p1 end Weld(Workspace.Part1, Workspace.Part2)
Use welding. Seriously. If there are more than 2 parts that you would like to weld, just extend the list of arguments by using px, where x is the number set in the list going from 1 to whatever number may be used. Then, follow up with w.Partx, where, again, x is the set number in that list. It's really quite that simple to make a welding script once you get used to it.
You can weld the part to the parent. Search up on the wiki on how to weld and it gives a good example. (would give a link but wiki is blocked at school)