When i ask the humanoid to move the second time it just bugs trying to get to those 2 locations at the same time. Is there a way to reset the MoveTo function?
Oh, for god's sake. If you want to move a Humanoid to two different positions, use CFrame and not Torso and use the wait() function, like this:
function Move(position) for i,j in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do i.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(position) end end Move(0,12,34) wait(5) Move(0,0,4)
Of course, this is just an example and you can expand upon it as you wish. You can replace the numbers passed to the argument "position" to the numbers of the position you want to move the Player to.
Nvm, i noticed something i didn't before. The question probably doesn't make sense afterall so its normal that the answers wont satisfy me. Thanks anyways!!