Selection={} create=0 A=true local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer function select(adornee)"SelectionBox") sel.Parent=player.PlayerGui sel.Adornee=adornee"Really blue") table.insert(Selection, sel) end function PM(text, parent, type, w) m.Parent=parent m.Text=text wait(w) m:remove() end function C(mouse, name) t=mouse.Target if t~=nil and not t.Locked then to=workspace:findFirstChild(player.Name.."'s Created model "..create) if to~=nil then t.Parent=to select(t) end end end function B(key, group) if key=="m" and A then for i=1, #Selection do Selection[i]:remove() wait(0.1) end A=false create=create+1"Model") model.Parent=workspace model.Name=player.Name.."'s Created model "..create PM("Model "..create.." created", player, "Message", 1.5) wait(2) A=true end end function Do(mouse) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function () C(mouse) end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(B) PM("Key m to create a Model...", player, "Hint", 3) wait(0.1) PM("and click any brick to place into that model", player, "Hint", 3) end script.Parent.Selected:connect(Do) function V() for i=1, #Selection do Selection[i]:remove() wait(0.1) end end script.Parent.Deselected:connect(V) game.Players[player].Chatted:connect(function (msg) if string.sub(msg,1,5)=="edit/" then create=string.sub(msg,6) end end )
The tool is a hopperbin I'm guessing thats why it wont work?