I am trying to make a script that changes all players gui from the PlayerGui folder, I got a snippet of code out of another script but it is not working for me.
players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #players do players.PlayerGui.InformationGui.maintext.Text = "Example" end
The basic issue is that players is an array, so of course it is not going to work. I don't usually use this kind of loop when doing this kind of thing, I like to use pairs.
I would approach it like this:
for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do player.PlayerGui.InformationGui.maintext.Text = "Example" end
Or you could approach it like this (source):
local plrs=game.Players:GetPlayers() for i=1,#plrs do output=plrs[i].PlayerGui.InformationGui.maintext.Text = "Example" end
Thanks for reading my answer! I hope it helped. ~NowUndoThatMistake