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The map doesnt change! Whats wrong?

Asked by
mhd100 5
10 years ago

Is there something wrong with this script? It doesnt work for me.

local admins = {"cookieraider1886", "Miofiujh", "ikingnow", "Invisorum", "flamecool000009","master1050devin","iscattered","pirate1flash","marvinthemelon","ausdauer","patheticpopcornman1","xxhappyboyxx","bluepagett","rev66","dignoto","arvizium","mhd100","iTimez2","waysp123"} --Admins here local m ="Message") local cmd = "run/" --Change to what you want to start your commands with. Example: This would make you say startObby1. local loading = true local endCmd = "end" --Change to the message you want to say to clear all maps local delaytime = 0 --The number of seconds between the bricks spawning. Set to 0 for the minimum wait time, I think it's a 30th of a second. local currentMap = nil

local cmdNum = cmd:len()

--Functions function isAdmin(name) --Check if the player is an admin for i,v in pairs(admins) do if name:lower() == v:lower() then return true end end return false end

function loadBricks(map) --Load the bricks loading = true local model ="Model") model.Name = map model.Parent = workspace local mc = game.ServerStorage[map]:Clone() for i,v in pairs(mc:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then Workspace.Generator.Connection.Part = v end v.Parent = model wait(delaytime) end mc:remove() Workspace.Generator.Connection.Part = nil
loading = false end

function removeBricks(map) --Remove the bricks loading = true for i,v in pairs(workspace[map]:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then Workspace.Generator.Connection.Part = v end wait(delaytime) v:remove() end Workspace.Generator.Connection.Part = nil workspace[map]:remove() loading = false


--Time for the main part game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function (player)

repeat wait() until player.Character --Helps prevent glitching

if isAdmin(player.Name) then 
    player.Chatted:connect(function (msg)
        if msg:sub(1,cmdNum) == cmd then --If the first 5 letters of the msg is "start", then
            local map = msg:sub(cmdNum+1) --map = everything after "start"
            if game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(map) and currentMap == nil then --If there's no map,
                m.Parent = workspace
                m.Text = "Loading "
                loadBricks(map) --Load the map
                currentMap = map
                m.Text = map.."Map Loaded"
                m.Parent = nil
            elseif game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(map) and currentMap ~= nil then --If there is a map,
                m.Parent = workspace
                m.Text = "Loading "
                removeBricks(currentMap) --Remove the current one
                repeat wait() until loading == false
                loadBricks(map) --Load the new one
                repeat wait() until loading == false
                m.Text = map.."Map Loaded."
                m.Parent = nil
                currentMap = map
        elseif msg == endCmd and currentMap ~= nil then --If the message is the end command,
            m.Parent = workspace
            m.Text = "Removing "..currentMap
            removeBricks(currentMap) --Remove the current map's bricks.
            repeat wait() until loading == false
            m.Text = currentMap.."Removed"
            currentMap = nil
            m.Parent = nil


Is there an output. HexC3D 830 — 10y
Just post the script place where the problem is or where the script stops. HexC3D 830 — 10y
Ok ill try it mhd100 5 — 10y

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