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how to move a model and how to rotate?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

how to move a model using cfame to one location and how to rotate a model 122.25, 15.887, 459.8 this is the location i what it to be at

read the rules omfg Theroofypidgeot 21 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by
Nikkulaos 229 Moderation Voter
7 years ago

When you make your model, make sure to set a primary part (this will be the part that moves everything, like a handle on a gun)

Now, use this script to move your model:

Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(,0,0)) --Put Custom CFrame here

--To rotate your model, use this part:

--Same, but edit the Angles part (math.pi is the best to use for basic rotation)
thanks tylergoatboy 82 — 7y
you could use TranslateBy() WindowMall 54 — 7y

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