I've tried every possible script that I know, and it still isn't working.
Easy, no script involved. Just go in the teams properties, and check "Auto-assignable" The players will automatically go to that team upon entry, assuming it is the only one with Auto-assignable checked.
I mean, one player goes on a certian team. Lets say I [Overlord] want to go on Nafaria's team. What script would I need to have, to make me go on that team, [non auto assignable]. Upon entry
Make a table with set players you want on that team upon entry, use a pairs loop to check if the new entry matches any entry in the table, if so then change their TeamColor.
Players = {"OverlordRevolution","Goulstem","Friend","A Doge"} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr:WaitForDataReady() for i,v in pairs(Players) do if v == plr.Name then plr.TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Team Color Wanted Here") end end end)
Hope I Helped
Ok, if you mean for certain players then;
wait(0) local List={"Player1","Player2","Player3"} local plr=game:service("Players").LocalPlayer repeat wait(0)until plr for i=1,#List do if plr.Name:lower()==List[i] then plr.TeamColor=BrickColor.new("Whatever Color") elseif not plr.Name:lower()==List[i] then plr.TeamColor=BrickColor.new("Whatever Color") end
Or you mean for a Group then;
wait(0) local ID=0000000 local plr=game:service("Players").LocalPlayer repeat wait(0)until plr if plr:IsInGroup(ID)then plr.TeamColor=BrickColor.new("Whatever Color") elseif not plr:IsInGroup(ID)then plr.TeamColor=BrickColor.new("Whatever Color") end
I hope this helped!