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How do I make a GUI disable someone from opening it if they arent a certain rank in my group?

Asked by
Ixdia -2
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Please include the code which you are trying to use, so the community will be better-equipped to help you with your problem.

I have tried a few different ways to this question and none seemed to work. I have had some help my fellow friends but it still won't work.

Further Question: If you have ever joined Prince Clothing it is a pretty big store! It has a panel in the left-hand corner and in that panel, it has a GUI that opens and is for admin only. If you try to get into it as an MR or below it doesn't work. "Acess Denied" Is there a specific script needed to enable this to happen?

You say you've tried a few different ways, why not show those ways? Shawnyg 4330 — 6y
Hi, do you have a script that you can show us? I may be able to help cause I worked on GUIs recently. Also, is your game FE? Houlardy642 28 — 6y
Never-mind I figured the problem out in my script. Thanks for helping though! Ixdia -2 — 6y

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