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How to get the Main Image from a Face in catalog?

Asked by 6 years ago

For a time now i just really wanted to make a Face changer, Body modifier plugin etc

but the problem is that roblox uses a different decal id instead of the one thats shown in catalog

heres a example

330296924 is the id but when put inside a decal it changes to


So how do i get 330393309 within a script or how to find the source of any face in the catalog within a script or a method would be amazing

I'm sorry if i couldn't explain

2 answers

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Answered by
TheePBHST 154
6 years ago

Well, with ROBLOX Studio, any ID from the website changes to another ID into the game. It's just a texture version of the ID. So, you would probably have to put the ID in a decal, then copy and paste it somewhere. I haven't tried doing that but if that doesn't work, I'm sorry.

but its only in studio, a script doesn't do that on its own Coolboyok11 64 — 6y
already tried but it didn't work Coolboyok11 64 — 6y
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Answered by 6 years ago


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