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Character holds tool the wrong way?

Asked by 7 years ago

So I have this tool (a weapon) and it functions properly, but when the player picks it up, his character's arm sticks out backwards. I don't know what could cause this and I'm really lost on this issue. Help.

4 answers

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Answered by 7 years ago

No worries buddy! Go in studio, in PLUGINS and then MANAGE PLUGINS and insert this link in the hotbar: After that install it. Once installed go in game, click a tool and then click the plugin. There will be a character holding your tool handle, you will position that handle the way you want the tool to apear like (I use this plugin in all my tools!) Once done just click the plugin icon again and you're done! Hope I helped my friend!

Named "Tool grip" wilsonsilva007 373 — 7y
The plugin does not working at all. it cannot save the position at all. Any alternative way to fix this problem? Corndealer 0 — 5y
There's a new plugin version, feel free to look for it wilsonsilva007 373 — 5y
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Answered by 7 years ago

You've anchored the parts in the tool. Look for a weld script and unanchored the children of the script.

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Answered by 7 years ago

Find the handle and rotate it until you have the desired grip.

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Answered by 7 years ago

Woah, sorry for the late response, but I figured out my issues. By the way, I already had the tool grip editor and it wasn't the issue. I simply needed to scale down my tool. I think tools that are bigger than the player mess things up. So I just scaled it down and it registers the way its supposed to in Roblox. Hopefully this helps others with this problem. Thanks for all the replies as well.

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