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How do you make a 'mannequin' of yourself with scripts?

Asked by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

It's not like cloning the entire player but making an NPC wear hats and clothes just like the player (at the start, it will just be a naked blocky NPC, but when triggered by something, it will become a replica of the player)

Things like body colors and clothes is easy, but making the copying the accessories and positioning them is hard

Have you tried coding this any bit urself? if so please include ur code + errors / dunno's :) DanielDeJong3 158 — 7y
the main thing i want to ask about this is how do you position the hat so it looks exactly the same like the player? Konethorix 197 — 7y
Just clone yourself PenguinDevs 45 — 7y

3 answers

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Answered by
Meqolo 78
7 years ago
02    if game:GetService("ServerStorage").Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(plr)) == nil then  
03        plr.Character.Archivable = true
04        local plrf = game.Workspace[tostring(plr)]:Clone() 
05        plrf.Parent = game.Workspace.p1
06        plrf.Torso.Anchored = true
07        plrf:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(
08        plrf.Name = ""
09        local PlrFold ="StringValue")
10        PlrFold.Name = plr.Name
11        PlrFold.Parent = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Players
12        for index, child in pairs(script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do
13            if child:IsA("BasePart") then
14                child.Transparency = 1
15                child.CanCollide = false
16            end
17        end
18        end
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Answered by 7 years ago

I'd recommend just duplicating the player in Workspace

1local player = game.Workspace.JusticeOfScarlet:Clone() --My username as an example, copied into local variable
3player.Parent = game.Workspace -- Sets the parent of clone to workspace
4player.Name = "Clone" -- Sets name to "Clone" so it isn't confused with the actual player
That doesn't work as the character is locked and unarchiveable, however I've made working code to fix it Meqolo 78 — 7y
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Answered by 7 years ago

Just clone yourself man!

1game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) -- When player joins in
2    local mannequin = plr.Character:Clone() -- Clones the players avatar
3    mannequin.PrimaryPart.CFrame =, 0, 0) -- Change the position you want the mannequin to be

Btw I'm a 11yo helping whatever age you are. xD Also paste it in a script and put it in serverscriptservice or just the workspace

Never tested this though. xDDDD PenguinDevs 45 — 7y
This wouldn't work as the character isn't archiveable and is also locked, I have however made code to get around it if you look up. Meqolo 78 — 7y

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