I'm just starting scripting, but still beginning. I'm working on this script (Pasted Below) but some functions within it aren't working, I could really use help fixing it. If you can, edit the parts that are needing to be fixing, because I'm not sure whats going on with it. Thanks.
system = script.Parent is_playing = system.Playing stage = system.Stage weapons = game.Workspace.Weapons hum_team = game.Teams["Humans"] zom_team = game.Teams["Zombies"] msg = nil hint = nil playing = false interrupted = false minutes = 0 seconds = 0 function displayHint(text) if(hint==nil)then hint = Instance.new("Hint") hint.Text = text hint.Parent = game.Workspace else hint.Text = text end end function removeHint() if(hint~=nil)then hint:remove() hint = nil end end function displayMsg(text) if(msg==nil)then msg = Instance.new("Message") msg.Text = text msg.Parent = game.Workspace else msg.Text = text end end function removeMsg() if(msg~=nil)then msg:remove() msg = nil end end function giveWeapons() local player = game.Players:GetChildren() if(#player>0)then for p = 1, #player do if(player[p].TeamColor==hum_team.TeamColor)then weapons.Pistol.Value:Clone().Parent = player[p].Backpack end end end end function killPlayers() local player = game.Players:GetChildren() if(#player>0)then for p = 1, #player do if(player[p].Character~=nil)then local h = player[p].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if(h.Health>0)then player[p].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 else if(player[p]:FindFirstChild("Dead")~=nil)then player[p].Dead.Value = false player[p].Class.Value = "Zombie" player[p].TeamColor = hum_team.TeamColor end end end end end end function resetPlayers() local player = game.Players:GetChildren() if(#player>0)then for p = 1, #player do if(player[p]:FindFirstChild("Dead")~=nil)then player[p].Dead.Value = false player[p].Class.Value = "Zombie" player[p].TeamColor = hum_team.TeamColor end end end end function countPlayers() local count = 0 local player = game.Players:GetChildren() if(#player>0)then for p = 1, #player do if(player[p].Character~=nil)then count = count +1 end end end return count end function countPlayersInTeam(team) local team_count = 0 local player = game.Players:GetChildren() if(#player>0)then for p = 1, #player do if(player[p].TeamColor==team.TeamColor)then team_count = team_count +1 end end end return team_count end function assignZombies(amount) local valid_players = {} local player = game.Players:GetChildren() if(#player>0)then for p = 1, #player do if(player[p].TeamColor==hum_team.TeamColor)and (player[p].Character~=nil)then table.insert(valid_players,player[p]) end end end if(#valid_players>amount)then while(amount>0)do local rand = math.random(1,#valid_players) local chosen = valid_players[rand] chosen.TeamColor = zom_team.TeamColor chosen.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 table.remove(valid_players,rand) amount = amount -1 end end end function countDown() seconds = seconds -1 if(seconds<0)then minutes = minutes -1 seconds = 59 if(minutes<0)then playing = false return true end end return false end function playZombies() if(countPlayers()<=3)then assignZombies(1) elseif(countPlayers()<=6)then assignZombies(2) else assignZombies(3) end is_playing.Value = true displayMsg("Human team, survive the zombie team for 15 minutes to win the game, or else zombies win!") giveWeapons(1) delay(5,removeMsg) interrupted = false playing = true minutes = 14 seconds = 60 while(playing==true)and(countDown()==false)do local humans = countPlayersInTeam(hum_team) local zombies = countPlayersInTeam(zom_team) if(minutes==9)and(seconds==59)then stage.Value = 2 displayMsg("Fast Zombie unlocked! Zombie team, chat '/fastzombie' to play as one next time you respawn!") delay(10,removeMsg) elseif(minutes==4)and(seconds==59)then stage.Value = 3 displayMsg("Kamikaze Zombie unlocked! Zombie team, chat '/kamizombie' to play as one next time you respawn!") delay(10,removeMsg) end if(seconds<10)then displayHint("Humans left: "..humans.." | Time left: "..minutes..":0"..seconds.." | Zombies: "..zombies) else displayHint("Humans left: "..humans.." | Time left: "..minutes..":"..seconds.." | Zombies: "..zombies) end if(zombies==0)then -- Zombies left the game? Try to assign another to keep the game running! if(countPlayers()>=2)then if(countPlayers()<=3)then assignZombies(1) elseif(countPlayers()<=6)then assignZombies(2) else assignZombies(3) end else interrupted = true break end end if(humans==0)then break end wait(1) end stage.Value = 1 removeHint() if(interrupted==true)then displayMsg("There are not enough players to continue the game...") else if(playing==false)then displayMsg("Humans have won the match by successfully surviving for 15 minutes!") else displayMsg("Zombies have won by successfully infecting all humans within 15 minutes!") end end is_playing.Value = false killPlayers() wait(5) resetPlayers() removeMsg() end while true do wait(3) resetPlayers() if(countPlayers()>=2)then removeMsg() playZombies() else displayMsg("Waiting for two or more players...") end end
On line 43, you never closed the if statement with 'end', you only closed the function
function removeMsg() if(msg~=nil)then msg:remove() msg = nil end end end