The main problem here is the fact that everytime I hit 'Submit' on my button the color turns 'Black', I don't know why it does this, Its being called from the server so everyone can see it and in there is the set which it should get the children of and the color it should be, the color is in a Color3Value, and whatever color you pick when u hit the submit button it changes that Color3Value. I don't know how to fix this, help would be lovely!
Here are the scripts.
This is in a Local Script inside the Color Wheel Submit button.
ListenToGameEvent.PaintObject:FireServer(script.Parent.Parent.Color, script.Parent.Parent.Parent.ColorSelect.DisplayElement.Caller)
This is in a Server Script inside the model
ListenToGameEvent.PaintObject.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Color, Set) for _,Set in pairs(script.Parent:FindFirstChild(Set.Value):GetChildren()) do Set.Color = end end)