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What is CreateDockWidgetPluginGui and what is it used for?

Asked by
Griffi0n 315 Moderation Voter
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

I want to know because it sounds like I might use it but the wiki doesn't have a documentation of it.

Edit: I've been guessing what I should do and here is the code: plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("Idkwhatthisisfor",, true, true, 100, 100, true)) But it is just giving me this error: Plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui is not enabled yet

To be honest I have never used it and I have no idea what it is. What does it do and what do you need to use it for? DumbKickButt5588 167 — 6y
Maybe try Plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui(enable) ? xD k this was a really trashy answer but yeah had nothing better to do :T Will post answer once I find it out 2 DanielDeJong3 158 — 6y
That error means you’re not allowed to use that most likely because it just came out. I found it in the wiki but it had no text about it, so that makes me even more sure it just came out and is still being worked on. User#20279 0 — 6y

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Answered by 6 years ago

I'm pretty sure that that is for the new PluginGui system coming out soon. There's a little more information about it here, under all of the API changes.


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