Okay so this script is a first person arms script but whenever i try to change the size of the arms they get smaller instead of the size i wanted them to be.
wait(3) lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer p = lp.Character p:WaitForChild("Body Colors") larm = p['LeftLowerArm'] rarm = p['RightLowerArm'] l = Instance.new("Part",workspace.CurrentCamera) l.FormFactor = "Custom" l.BrickColor = p['Body Colors'].LeftArmColor l.Material = "SmoothPlastic" l.CanCollide = false r = Instance.new("Part",workspace.CurrentCamera) r.FormFactor = "Custom" r.BrickColor = p['Body Colors'].RightArmColor r.Material = "SmoothPlastic" r.CanCollide = false script.Parent.left.Value = l script.Parent.right.Value = r l.Size = larm.Size - Vector3.new(0.1, 0.11, 0.05) l.CFrame = larm.CFrame r.Size = rarm.Size - Vector3.new(0.1, 0.11, 0.05) r.CFrame = rarm.CFrame lw = Instance.new("Weld",l) lw.Part0 = l lw.Part1 = p['LeftLowerArm'] rw = Instance.new("Weld",r) rw.Part0 = r rw.Part1 = p['RightLowerArm'] r.Name = (lp.Name.."'s extra right arm") l.Name = (lp.Name.."'s extra left arm") while wait() do l.BrickColor = p['Body Colors'].LeftArmColor r.BrickColor = p['Body Colors'].RightArmColor script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() if l.Transparency == 1 then l.Transparency = 0 r.Transparency = 0 elseif l.Transparency == 0 then l.Transparency = 1 r.Transparency = 1 else print("ERROR") l.Transparency = 0 r.Transparency = 0 end end) p.Humanoid.Died:connect(function() larm.Transparency = 0 rarm.Transparency = 0 l:Destroy() r:Destroy() end) end
On lines 28 and 31, you’re SUBTRACTING the arm size with the vector 3 value. You can either change the “-“ into a “+” if you want to add, or “=“ if you want to set.