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How do I prevent infinite jump?

Asked by
trecept 367 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

I'm making a game where quite a lot of jumping is needed, but infinite jump ruins the experience for others. I don't know how to stop infinite jumping without making jumping weird for other players. Any way to prevent?

How do players “infinite jump” exactly? Are you using some custom jump script or something? Do you mean you don’t want them jumping every second? User#20279 0 — 6y
What exactly do you mean by preventing infinite jump? UgOsMiLy 1074 — 6y
What do you mean by infinite jump? Aimarekin 345 — 6y
I think he means that he needs a wait for each jump, TheLightningRises 56 — 6y
Sorry I explained poorly, basically how can I make a script so that when a player jumps, it waits for the jump to finish (you touch the ground again) before allowing you to jump again trecept 367 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

You could use HumanoidStateType and change the humanoid’s JumpPower to 0 when someone jumps. You can then change the JumpPower back to normal when the player lands.

I’d give an example script but I never used HumanoidStateType and I’m on mobile. Hope this helped anyways though!

Definitely helped! Thank you so much, I know what to do now. trecept 367 — 6y

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