So I'm tryna create an admin script. This error is occurring at Line 53. Using print() I have identified the issue which is that the tonumber() function is turning a string of numbers into nil. However, if I remove the tonumber() function from that line and leave it as a string I get the error "unable to cast string to int64".
This is meant to detect if a player is within a certain group, that group is being detected in the table "Settings.Banned".
---------------------------------------------------- -- Settings -- ---------------------------------------------------- local Settings = {} Settings.ToolStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") Settings.Moderators = {} -- Mods Format: {"Username:UserId", "Group:GroupId", "Group:GroupId:RankId"} Settings.Admins = {} -- Admins Format: {"Username:UserId", "Group:GroupId", "Group:GroupId:RankId"} Settings.Owners = {} -- Owners Format: {"Username:UserId"} Settings.Creators = {} -- Creators Format: {"Username:UserId"} Settings.Muted = {} -- Muted players Format: {"Username:UserId"} Settings.AdminBlacklist = {} -- Blacklisted from using admin Format: {"Username:UserId", "Group:GroupId", "Group:GroupId:RankId"} Settings.Banned = {"MeqoIo:497574391", "Group:497574391:255", "Group:2969826"} -- Banned players Format: {"Username:UserId", "Group:GroupId", "Group:GroupId:RankId"} Settings.Permissions = {} -- Command Permissions Format: {"Command:AdminLevel"} Settings.MusicList = {} -- Music list Format: {"MusicId:Name"} Settings.SaveAdmins = true -- Saves admins using datastores Settings.SaveBanned = true -- Saves banned players using datastores Settings.EnableTrello = false -- Is trello used to save data? NOTE: The Main Admin Trello will over-ride this setting for exploit protection. Settings.PrimaryTrello = "" -- Primary Trello Board Format: "BoardID" Settings.TrelloAppkey = "" -- Your trello appkey (DO NOT SHARE) Link: Settings.TrelloToken = "" -- Your trello token (DO NOT SHARE) Link: Settings.CreatorPowers = true -- Used to give me (Meqolo) admin for debugging purposes Settings.ChatCmds = true -- Allows commands to be ran through the chat Settings.ServerLockMessage = "Server currently locked" -- Message sent when players kicked because the server is slocked Settings.MaxLogs = "250" -- Amount of logs stored before deleting them. Settings.Console = true -- Allowes a console to be used when "~" is pressed ---------------------------------------------------- -- End of Settings -- ---------------------------------------------------- local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local Banlist = DSS:GetDataStore("Banlist") local Modlist = DSS:GetDataStore("Modlist") local Adminlist = DSS:GetDataStore("Adminlist") local Ownerlist = DSS:GetDataStore("Ownerlist") game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local pat = "(%a+):(%d+)" for i,v in pairs(Settings.Banned) do if string.sub(v,1,5) == "Group" then local f = string.sub(v,7,string.len(v)) print(f) f = tonumber(f) print(f) print(plr:IsInGroup(f)) if string.sub(v,7,string.len(v)):gmatch("(%f+):(%d+)") then for ke,va in string.sub(v,7,string.len(v)):gmatch("(%d+):(%d+)") do print(ke) print(va) if plr:GetRankInGroup(tonumber(ke)) == tonumber(va) then plr:Kick("Banned") end end else print(string.sub(v,7,string.len(v))) if plr:IsInGroup(tonumber(string.sub(v,7,string.len(v)))) then plr:Kick("Banned") end end end for key,val in v:gmatch(pat) do if plr.UserId == val then plr:Kick("Banned") end end end local Banned = Banlist:GetAsync(plr.UserId) or false if Banned == false then else plr:Kick("Banned") end end)
The main block of code causing the error is:
local f = string.sub(v,7,string.len(v)) print(f) f = tonumber(f) print(f) print(plr:IsInGroup(f))
Just check if f isn't nil after you use tonumber (any non-number strings used in tonumber will return nil):
if string.len(v) > 7 then local f = string.sub(v,7,string.len(v)) print(f) f = tonumber(f) if f then print(f) print(plr:IsInGroup(f)) end end