I have disabled the backpack core gui so i could have a custom inventory system, and I made a script that when pressing 1 it equips the "Primary tool" and pressing 2 equips the "Secondary tool". I get the error: 16:22:18.964 - Unable to cast value to Object
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local equipped = false local primary = Player.PlayerData.Inventory.PrimaryTool.Value local secondary = Player.PlayerData.Inventory.SecondaryTool.Value print(primary.." "..secondary) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) if(Key:lower() == "1") then if equipped == false then Player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(primary) equipped = true print("equipped primary") elseif equipped == true then Player.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools() equipped = false print("unequipped primary") end end if(Key:lower() == "2") then if equipped == false then Player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(secondary) equipped = true print("equipped secondary") elseif equipped == true then Player.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools() equipped = false print("unequipped secondary") end end end)