local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local MainData = DataStore:GetDataStore("MainData") local ListOfEvents = {["ExampleGiver"] = RStorage:WaitForChild("ExampleMoneyEvent"), } Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local playerKey = "id"..plr.UserId print("Created ".. playerKey) local stats = Instance.new("Folder", plr) stats.Name = "leaderstats" local cash = Instance.new("IntValue", stats) cash.Name = "Cash" local LoadProgress = spawn(function() repeat wait(.1) local success, failure = pcall(function() local GetData = MainData:GetAsync(playerKey) if GetData then print("Data Loaded!") cash.Value = GetData else print("Created New Data!") cash.Value = 0 end end) until success end) local EventResponse = spawn(function() ListOfEvents.ExampleGiver.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, num) if typeof(num) == "number" and num >= 0 then print("Safely Transferring Funds.") player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value + num print(player.Name.. " currently has ".. cash.Value) else print"Transfer Invalid." end end) end) local SaveProgress = spawn(function() while wait(200) do MainData:SetAsync(playerKey, cash.Value) print("Progress Saved!", "Stats: ", cash.Value, "PlayerInfo: ".. playerKey) end end) end)
21:27:39.206 - 502: API Services rejected request with error: HTTP 0 (HTTP 500 (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error)) 21:27:39.207 - Stack Begin 21:27:39.208 - Script 'ServerScriptService.ExampleConnection', Line 50 21:27:39.209 - Stack End