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Render Distance of Particles?

Asked by 6 years ago

So i'm attempted to use Particle Emitters within blocks for a visual of grass being there. However I'm running into an issue where they aren't displayed until i'm rather close to them. Beyond them I can see where they are supposed to be but not showing. I've already tried messing around with the rate in the emitter, the size of the blocks for if it was just too large, and more. I'm not really sure if it's just that there's some sort of render distance on it and there's nothing I can do about it? Or if I need to lower the rate at which i'm spawning them because the server's not loading them all at once.

It's a little hard to see but here is how it looks

Walking around in Game

In Studio mode

i'd suggest putting down some billboard guis with grass images instead. RubenKan 3615 — 6y
Well I don't want the image to stretch across the screen if you're looking at it from far away. My original goal with using the particles was so that I could add an option to change the intensity/disable the grass visual. SnowFunsize 55 — 6y

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